Marissa Nieto
Fueling the inspiration behind Marissa's creative career is an active lifestyle and lots of time spent in nature. Designers live in a world of color and chaos, crafting stories with every line they draw, obsessing over fonts, and navigating their landscape of imagination.
For Marissa, a good designer is made by the lifestyle they build away from the keyboard. She draws inspiration from experimenting with diverse art styles & exploring new places—all while forging deep connections with others along the way. This unique perspective enriches her work, ensuring a seamless journey for her clients as she translates their visions into impactful designs. She currently specializes in social media marketing, illustration, photography, and package design.
When she’s not designing, Marissa loves catching live gigs, traveling, exploring national parks, hiking, camping, volunteering in local clean-ups, and spending quality time with friends.
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